You’re pregnant and getting heavy cravings or aversions. When do pregnancy cravings start and what’s normal? Should you be concerned?
When Do Pregnancy Cravings Start? Many women report having pregnancy food cravings as early as just a couple weeks, before they even knew they were pregnant. Others do so a bit later. Most pregnancy food cravings seem to start and occur most often during the first trimester and into the second, many going away by the end of the third trimester. Food cravings might be for something you usually don't eat or you may just want your favorite foods very badly. It might also be a mixture. What If You Don’t Get Cravings During Pregnancy? This is actually normal as well. Some pregnant women crave particular foods and some do not. Some women may even have different experiences during different pregnancies. It is perfectly fine not to have food cravings during pregnancy. Are Pregnancy Food Aversions Normal? Yes. Some pregnant women detest certain foods they normally like, along with cravings. At times, the aversions are for foods you already don;lt like. They’re just stronger. Some pregnant women get the food aversions but not the cravings. Either is normal. Is It Normal To Crave Weird Things? Yes and no. If you are craving foods you don’t usually eat, this is very normal during pregnancy. But if you are concerned or if you start to crave non-food items like ice, detergent, soap, or chalk, talk to your OB or midwife as soon as possible. You might be experiencing PICA, which can indicate a deficiency.
Are you craving ice while pregnant? It may or may not be a warning sign. Learn why pregnant women crave ice and what to do about it.
What Does Craving And Chewing Ice While Pregnant Mean? If you are craving and chewing ice (pagophagia) while pregnant, it means you are doing what about 1 in 5 women do while pregnant. But it can also mean you have a deficiency. Craving Non-Food Items Is Referred To As PICA If you crave ice, detergent, soap, clay, chalk, or other non-food items while pregnant, you may be suffering from PICA. Those who suffer from PICA commonly have iron deficiency anemia. What Can You Do About PICA? If you believe you are suffering from PICA, it’s important to talk to your doctor. If a deficiency is found, supplements or a diet including more iron-rich foods may be recommended. Only a doctor can diagnose anemia and determine exact treatments. Iron overdose is as dangerous as a deficiency, so be sure to see a medical professional regarding how much you need while pregnant. What If It’s Not A Deficiency? Some pregnant women (or any other people) just like and crave ice because they are thirsty or dehydrated. You may even just like the texture. So, before you let another internet article convince you that you have some major problem going on, check with your OB doctor. Oh, and go drink some water and chew that ice you’re craving because PICA or no PICA, it’s still good for you! |
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January 2025
*Disclaimer: Any information provided about crystals, spiritual practices, and healing is intended for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Individual results may vary. Please practice caution and informed decision-making in your personal journey. The author is a trained Shamanic Alchemist and experienced holistic researcher. Our content, products, or services are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning or changing any medical treatments or health-related practices.
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