With motherhood comes joys, laughter...and baby weight. With my first child, all the pregnancy weight practically disappeared the day I gave birth. Within a week, the remaining 10 pounds melted off easily. It was almost the same with the second. However, when I got to my 3rd and 4th (and then my 5th and 6th), that was not the case. I had my kids all in sets of two (They are 20 & 19, 14 & 13, and then I have two more under 2), so that added to the baby weight problem. Here’s how I used creativity to lose baby weight from pregnancy and how you can too!
No Time For The Gym? No Problem Because I have a pretty full schedule as a homeschooling mom who also owns a home-based business along with my life partner, there was no way to be sure I could keep regular gym appointments without going crazy. That left me with a decision. It was either ditch one of the kids' activities, sacrifice some work time, or get creative. I chose to get creative. Adding To The Existing Routine Using creativity to lose baby weight may have been the most effective plan for me. Why? It was super-easy to stick to my plan. What I did was add a little exercise to many different daily routines of motherhood. Parenting is a full time job, so there were many things I could add to. Let me explain. Intensifying Daily Walks With Baby (Or Babies) Daily walks are a part of our family’s routine, so there was one way to lose baby weight. Just walking (for me) was probably not going to do it, since it is something my body is already accustomed to. I wanted to add more. Since baby number three and four were so close in age, I used a double stroller. That got me thinking. That double stroller was sort of hard to push in certain situations. So, we started taking walks uphill to increase the workout. The slopes put more of the weight of the stroller in my control, making the walk more intense. I did the same thing with baby 5 and 6 and it’s working again! Stroller Maneuvers That Help Baby Also Help Mom Another way I used creativity to lose baby weight include workouts involved different maneuvers with the stroller whenever the baby (or babies) wanted to be rocked to sleep in the stroller. This worked out arms, abs, and legs. I later found out that there was an actual workout built around the baby stroller. Based on my experience, I could see that working out. I’ve invented a ton of my own stroller workouts, but there are stroller exercise programs and guides you can purchase for a low fee if you don’t feel like being that inventive. Fitdeck Exercise Playing Cards have illustrated stroller exercise guides. Meal Prep Workouts When in the kitchen doing dishes and preparing meals, you can do small things like countertop pushups. Place your hands palm down on the edge of the countertop and extend your legs straight back. You will basically be doing angled pushups against the counter. Opening and closing cabinets is another good one. Do a few sets of ten on each side (rotating in between) to workout your arms. Your Baby Makes a Great Weight Set Yes, really. Babies enjoy playing with their moms. Try making motions with your baby that he or she enjoys, such as raising him or her up high slowly and then back down slowly. This works out your arms and gives baby some entertainment too. There are many motions like this that will help you both. Breastfeed If you are able to and it is practical for your family, breastfeeding actually helps shed those tummy pounds. This is one of the body’s built-in mechanisms for regulating itself after a baby is born. Some moms can’t breastfeed the usual way, but are able to pump. If this is you, pumping should also work similarly, if you are able to do it. If you are unable to breastfeed for whatever reason, be it medical or otherwise, don’t feel bad. Not everyone can do it. As long as your baby is eating, be it breast milk or formula, you’re still doing it right. There are plenty more creative exercises to help out you and baby. Think Up Your Own Creative Exercises There actually are many moments during motherhood that can be added to for promoting weight loss. Motherhood in itself really is a workout. For some, like during the infancy of my first two kids, that alone will be enough to shed off those pounds. But, if you have a hard time losing weight or this is not your first birth, I highly recommend adding to normal routine for quick loss of baby weight. Just don't forget to check with your doctor first.
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January 2025
*Disclaimer: Any information provided about crystals, spiritual practices, and healing is intended for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Individual results may vary. Please practice caution and informed decision-making in your personal journey. The author is a trained Shamanic Alchemist and experienced holistic researcher. Our content, products, or services are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning or changing any medical treatments or health-related practices.
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