Keeping yourself safe keeps your baby safe during your pregnancy. Part of that involves food. So, what can’t you eat while pregnant and why?
Why Can’t Pregnant Women Just Eat Their Usual Diet? While eating a healthy amount of balanced nutrients is advised while pregnant, where you get them from is important too. Certain food items can contain dangerous bacteria and contaminants that could be harmful to you and your baby. You may be surprised which items in your regular diet can’t be eaten while pregnant. Which Foods Are Unsafe During Pregnancy And Why? The table below outlines foods that are unsafe during pregnancy and why. UNSAFE FOODS AND WHY THEY ARE UNSAFE
What If A Pregnant Woman Has already Eaten Some Restricted Foods?
If you have already consumed some of these unsafe foods, try not to panic. Most of these foods aren’t going to automatically harm you or your baby. Simply stop eating them at least until after you have your baby and are finished with breastfeeding. Discuss food safety with your OB or midwife so that you both are aware of any potential risks. When Should A Pregnant Woman Discuss Food Safety With Her Doctor? Nutrition should be one of the very first discussions with your OB or midwife. If they don’t bring it up, take the initiative. If you have accidentally consumed any of the restricted foods and notice any warning signs after eating them or you have consumed foods with a large mercury concentration, let your doctor know. Only your doctor can tell you the actual risk for your specific situation.
With motherhood comes joys, laughter...and baby weight. With my first child, all the pregnancy weight practically disappeared the day I gave birth. Within a week, the remaining 10 pounds melted off easily. It was almost the same with the second. However, when I got to my 3rd and 4th (and then my 5th and 6th), that was not the case. I had my kids all in sets of two (They are 20 & 19, 14 & 13, and then I have two more under 2), so that added to the baby weight problem. Here’s how I used creativity to lose baby weight from pregnancy and how you can too!
No Time For The Gym? No Problem Because I have a pretty full schedule as a homeschooling mom who also owns a home-based business along with my life partner, there was no way to be sure I could keep regular gym appointments without going crazy. That left me with a decision. It was either ditch one of the kids' activities, sacrifice some work time, or get creative. I chose to get creative. Adding To The Existing Routine Using creativity to lose baby weight may have been the most effective plan for me. Why? It was super-easy to stick to my plan. What I did was add a little exercise to many different daily routines of motherhood. Parenting is a full time job, so there were many things I could add to. Let me explain. Intensifying Daily Walks With Baby (Or Babies) Daily walks are a part of our family’s routine, so there was one way to lose baby weight. Just walking (for me) was probably not going to do it, since it is something my body is already accustomed to. I wanted to add more. Since baby number three and four were so close in age, I used a double stroller. That got me thinking. That double stroller was sort of hard to push in certain situations. So, we started taking walks uphill to increase the workout. The slopes put more of the weight of the stroller in my control, making the walk more intense. I did the same thing with baby 5 and 6 and it’s working again! Stroller Maneuvers That Help Baby Also Help Mom Another way I used creativity to lose baby weight include workouts involved different maneuvers with the stroller whenever the baby (or babies) wanted to be rocked to sleep in the stroller. This worked out arms, abs, and legs. I later found out that there was an actual workout built around the baby stroller. Based on my experience, I could see that working out. I’ve invented a ton of my own stroller workouts, but there are stroller exercise programs and guides you can purchase for a low fee if you don’t feel like being that inventive. Fitdeck Exercise Playing Cards have illustrated stroller exercise guides. Meal Prep Workouts When in the kitchen doing dishes and preparing meals, you can do small things like countertop pushups. Place your hands palm down on the edge of the countertop and extend your legs straight back. You will basically be doing angled pushups against the counter. Opening and closing cabinets is another good one. Do a few sets of ten on each side (rotating in between) to workout your arms. Your Baby Makes a Great Weight Set Yes, really. Babies enjoy playing with their moms. Try making motions with your baby that he or she enjoys, such as raising him or her up high slowly and then back down slowly. This works out your arms and gives baby some entertainment too. There are many motions like this that will help you both. Breastfeed If you are able to and it is practical for your family, breastfeeding actually helps shed those tummy pounds. This is one of the body’s built-in mechanisms for regulating itself after a baby is born. Some moms can’t breastfeed the usual way, but are able to pump. If this is you, pumping should also work similarly, if you are able to do it. If you are unable to breastfeed for whatever reason, be it medical or otherwise, don’t feel bad. Not everyone can do it. As long as your baby is eating, be it breast milk or formula, you’re still doing it right. There are plenty more creative exercises to help out you and baby. Think Up Your Own Creative Exercises There actually are many moments during motherhood that can be added to for promoting weight loss. Motherhood in itself really is a workout. For some, like during the infancy of my first two kids, that alone will be enough to shed off those pounds. But, if you have a hard time losing weight or this is not your first birth, I highly recommend adding to normal routine for quick loss of baby weight. Just don't forget to check with your doctor first. Morning sickness is often one of the first signs of pregnancy. My personal experience and research will help you learn what's normal and when to call your doctor. Five of the six times I was pregnant, I had awful morning sickness, so I learned quite a bit about it. Some of that knowledge came from doctors, some from trial and error, and some from research. What Are The Symptoms Of Morning Sickness?
How Often Is Normal? If you've been feeling under the weather a lot, you may be wondering if it's too much. Is this normal? All women experience bouts of morning sickness in different ways. Some may only feel slightly ill at certain times of the day and some may have symptoms constantly. Any amount of time is "normal", but it's important to see your doctor if the nausea or vomiting is severe. How Do I Know If My Morning Sickness Is Too Bad? Only your doctor can tell you for sure if your morning sickness is worrisome. If you don't feel right or your symptoms seem too bad, let your OB or midwife know as soon as possible so they can advise you. Some women can experience an extreme form of morning sickness that can lead to hospitilization. This is called Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Do I Have Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)? Most pregnant women experience some form of morning sickness, but only a small percentage will experience HG. Here's how to tell if you have HG.
Why Am I Hungry And Nauseous At The Same Time?
This is normal during pregnancy. You might feel nauseous but feel hungry or have a craving at the same time. Sometimes, eating a small amount of food or drinking some water during the nausea can help make it go away. The nausea might be caused by hunger or thirst, but not always. Also, sometimes people can feel hungry when they are actually thirsty. The pangs for both are very similar. When Will Morning Sickness End? For many pregnant women, morning sickness starts to slow or stop at or around 12 weeks gestation. Lasting longer can indicate HG, but not always. If this is the only symptom you have for HG, it's probably not a concern. But only your doctor can tell you for sure. When Should I Consult My Doctor? Consult your OB or midwife if you have any of the symptoms for HG or you are concerned for other reasons. Even just a feeling is enough reason to ask your doctor to check things out. Having given birth to six kids, with more than one being a high risk pregnancy, I know full well that you can never be too cautious. Your OB or midwife will likely tell you what I would: better to ask about "too many" questions or concerns than not enough.
You’re pregnant and getting heavy cravings or aversions. When do pregnancy cravings start and what’s normal? Should you be concerned?
When Do Pregnancy Cravings Start? Many women report having pregnancy food cravings as early as just a couple weeks, before they even knew they were pregnant. Others do so a bit later. Most pregnancy food cravings seem to start and occur most often during the first trimester and into the second, many going away by the end of the third trimester. Food cravings might be for something you usually don't eat or you may just want your favorite foods very badly. It might also be a mixture. What If You Don’t Get Cravings During Pregnancy? This is actually normal as well. Some pregnant women crave particular foods and some do not. Some women may even have different experiences during different pregnancies. It is perfectly fine not to have food cravings during pregnancy. Are Pregnancy Food Aversions Normal? Yes. Some pregnant women detest certain foods they normally like, along with cravings. At times, the aversions are for foods you already don;lt like. They’re just stronger. Some pregnant women get the food aversions but not the cravings. Either is normal. Is It Normal To Crave Weird Things? Yes and no. If you are craving foods you don’t usually eat, this is very normal during pregnancy. But if you are concerned or if you start to crave non-food items like ice, detergent, soap, or chalk, talk to your OB or midwife as soon as possible. You might be experiencing PICA, which can indicate a deficiency.
If you just found out you’re pregnant, you may be thinking about when to tell others. Some people base this on when the baby bump starts emerging. So, when does pregnancy show?
When Do First-Time Moms Start To Show? Many people who are pregnant for the first time will start to show very early on, some as early as 4-12 weeks. But this isn’t true for everyone. So, don't worry if you’re a first-time mom and you don’t show until later. In my personal experience, I actually didn’t show very much until further into the pregnancy and there wasn’t any cause for concern. When Do Experienced Moms Show? Those who have had previous pregnancies sometimes don’t sport a visible baby bump until late in the first trimester or even the second. If you’ve had previous pregnancies and your pregnancy shows early, this doesn’t necessarily indicate anything bad. We’re all different. I actually showed early on in all my pregnancies, except the first. What If I’m Not Average? Unless your doctor has a concern, then you shouldn’t either. Everyone is different, based on many factors. One woman may gain a lot of weight in the beginning, while another may gain more toward the end. When your pregnancy shows doesn’t necessarily say anything about how healthy your baby is or isn’t. So, When Does Pregnancy Show? As you can see, when pregnancy shows can vary greatly. Be prepared with bigger clothes early on. But don’t alarm yourself unnecessarily if you don’t follow the same pattern as someone else. Your OB or midwife will guide you and examine you, as well as inform you if there are any concerns.
Are you craving ice while pregnant? It may or may not be a warning sign. Learn why pregnant women crave ice and what to do about it.
What Does Craving And Chewing Ice While Pregnant Mean? If you are craving and chewing ice (pagophagia) while pregnant, it means you are doing what about 1 in 5 women do while pregnant. But it can also mean you have a deficiency. Craving Non-Food Items Is Referred To As PICA If you crave ice, detergent, soap, clay, chalk, or other non-food items while pregnant, you may be suffering from PICA. Those who suffer from PICA commonly have iron deficiency anemia. What Can You Do About PICA? If you believe you are suffering from PICA, it’s important to talk to your doctor. If a deficiency is found, supplements or a diet including more iron-rich foods may be recommended. Only a doctor can diagnose anemia and determine exact treatments. Iron overdose is as dangerous as a deficiency, so be sure to see a medical professional regarding how much you need while pregnant. What If It’s Not A Deficiency? Some pregnant women (or any other people) just like and crave ice because they are thirsty or dehydrated. You may even just like the texture. So, before you let another internet article convince you that you have some major problem going on, check with your OB doctor. Oh, and go drink some water and chew that ice you’re craving because PICA or no PICA, it’s still good for you!
Tired of shouting up the stairs to a child who is watching TV instead of cleaning their room? There’s a better way. Learn why this scenario rarely gets positive results and how to get your kids to clean their rooms.
Yelling will likely not resolve too many problems. Sometimes, it can work for the moment, but it also can worsen the issue in the future. Instead, try a little creativity and consistency. Creativity Creativity, in combination with consistency, can play an important role in getting kids to do tasks such cleaning their rooms. Who says chores have to be boring? Why not make them fun? For preschoolers and toddlers, try having races to the toy box. If a toy grocery cart or wagon is available, the children can pick up more toys at once. Racing with the cart or wagon can be fun. With older kids you may have to try something else. Often, the reason behind older kids not cleaning is because there is not an exact place for everything. Try taking the kids each on their own separate shopping trip. Allow them to pick out organizational items for their room. To make it more fun, allow them to personalize those items with paint or fabric. Think about your child's favorite activity and try to incorporate that in cleaning the room. For instance, if your kids enjoy dancing, you can turn on the music. To get your kids to clean their rooms let them know they can dance while cleaning. Creative ideas do not have to be limited to those above. They may even need to be updated periodically as your kids get bored. Sometimes all that is needed to motivate kids to clean their rooms is a fresh idea that hasn't been used before. Also, this could act as an opportunity for creative play with your child. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, creative play is essential. Consistency If you have instructed your kids to clean their rooms, you must show them you are serious about it, even if it’s fun. Stay in close proximity to the rooms until they are clean and keep finding more fun ways to get the job done so they don’t get bored or lose sight of the task at hand. It is possible to be fun and serious at the same time. When you are trying to get the kids to clean their rooms with fun and creativity, it should be evident that whether they choose to have fun with it or not, their rooms still need to be cleaned. But make sure it’s their choice. This teaches more responsibility. When combining creativity and consistency, the kids should easily understand that their room is going to get cleaned. More On Cleaning With Kids: Upstream Parenting: What To Do When Young Kids Won't Clean Why is My Child's Room So Messy? If you’re about to give birth to or adopt a new baby, you may be wondering about infant care. One common question is how many newborn diapers do I need?
How Many Newborn Diapers Do I Need? Each baby is different, as far as how many diapers are used during the newborn stage. On average, most babies use about 8-12 newborn diapers per day. How Many Newborn Diapers Should I Buy? You will use the same amount of diapers per day, whether you are using disposable diapers or cloth diapers. However, with cloth diapers, you can reuse them. So the number you buy will be lower. If you’re using cloth diapers, plan on how many to buy according to how often you can launder the cloth diapers. If you’re using disposable, you of course cannot reuse them, so you will need to buy enough for every use. Number of Disposable Newborn Diapers to Buy If you’re like me, you’d rather have a few too many than not enough. So, it’s a good idea to plan on buying enough for at least 12 diapers per day per newborn baby. Depending on your payment schedule, you can stock up accordingly. For instance, if you get paid weekly and want to buy a week’s worth of diapers each time, you would buy a package that has at least 84 diapers or multiple packages that add up to at least that amount. How Many Disposable Diaper Wipes Do I Need? Every baby is different. However, with the wipes, you can plan on using at least one for every wet diaper, at least 2-4 for every soiled diaper, and others here and there for wiping hands and faces and other messes. On average, we usually go through at least one refill pack per week per child (about 144 wipes, give or take, depending on brand). Some babies will use more and some less. Number of Cloth Newborn Diapers to Buy With cloth diapers as mentioned above, you need to have enough for 8-12 changes per day. If you can wash the cloth diapers daily, 12 diapers may be enough to start with. But if you need to last longer, get enough for the number of days you think will accommodate your laundering schedule. If you can only launder them once per week, you need 80-100 cloth diapers. And don't forget liners. You need the same number of liners as you have diapers because they each need their own. To cut down on space and spending, we like to hand wash each cloth diaper directly after use and hang them to dry on a hanging dry rack. How Many Cloth Diaper Wipes Do I Need? Again, this depends on how often you can do laundry. Because cloth wipes are thicker, you may use a few less than disposable. So, plan according to this factor, as well as your laundry schedule. Remember that you can also hand wash these and hang to dry to make sure you always have enough on hand. Extra Tips
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