Have you ever logged on to check your Facebook and wondered "WTF is this ish?" People get bolder every day it seems. Here's just some of the creepy shit people actually do to me on Facebook.
Randomly Call Me on Facebook Messenger If we never (or rarely) communicate or you just added me as a friend, what makes you think you should dial my phone from Facebook Messenger? That’s complete creeper status! Who does that? Apparently, more people than I’m comfortable with because it’s happened to me on numerous occasions. Every time, all it gets from me is an ignore on the call and then a block on FB promptly after. For the record, the one and only person I’ve had phone conversations on Facebook Messenger with is my fiance -- and the first call we had on there was well after the first day we met. Try, WAY after. You know, we actually knew each other and were dating. Don’t call strangers or people who are barely acquaintances with the Messenger app. Just don’t. It’s creepy. Hit the Ask Button for Info That's Not Filled In If I haven’t filled something in on my profile, then I don’t want to give that info out online. If you’re a good enough friend to have that info, chances are I’ll tell you eventually, if I haven’t already. If I haven’t, then please don’t ask. That’s especially true if we rarely or never communicate or you just added me as a friend. Hitting that ask button is just plain creepy. Just don’t do it. Message Me Flirtatiously When Partner is in My Profile Pic This one should really be common sense, but apparently, it’s not. My profile pic has contained my significant other ever since we first took a pic together. It changes, but he’s always in it with me and you can tell we’re a couple. My profile also says we’re engaged and he’s always tagged in my profile photos. Yet and still, creepers will send me flirtatious or suggestive messages. Why? First of all, those kind of messages wouldn’t get me even if I was single and second of all, why would anyone want someone who would come on to a very obviously taken person? Thirdly, it’s creepy to flirt with someone in that way before you get to know them. Come on to Me The Instant Your Friend Request Is Accepted Obviously, these are sometimes scammers. However, they can also be people who actually think they will get somewhere with this tactic. Facebook is not your dating service. Even if it was, that is the wrong way to go about it. Coming on strongly to people as soon as you first see them online is creepy. My acceptance of your friend request is not an invitation to be creepy or stalkerish toward me. Do not send me messages or leave suggestive comments when you hardly know me. Especially don’t do it repeatedly when I don’t respond the way you expected. The stalkerish Facebook behavior leads me to the next point. Like Every Single Photo Of Me or My Kids When You Barely Know Us If you’ve already done any of the above things, your creeper status isn’t looking so good. Add this to the mix and you’re really a creeper -- and maybe a stalker too. Please don’t like every single photo I post of myself or my kids or tell me how beautiful I am on every photo unless you know me well. It’s just awkward and creepy and eww. It’s a million times more icky if you mostly or only like pics of my kids or if you like every single picture of them and we don’t know you that well. Unfortunately, this has happened before and it doesn’t bode well for anyone who does it. Liking a few photos is fine. Kids are adorable. I should know. I'm a mom. But obsessing over photos of kids you don't even know is just creepy. These are far from the only creepy things people have done to me on Facebook. But this shit is most definitely creepy. P.S. If you’re reading this and you’re still on my friend list, you must not be a creeper in my eyes. The behavior I’m talking about here is beyond just normal photo liking, messaging, and other Facebook interacting. Way beyond. You do not even want to know. Trust me. So, what can you do? Keeping Your Sanity Amidst Facebook Frenzy: A Shamanic Healing Approach In today’s hyper-connected world, particularly on platforms like Facebook, protecting your digital well-being is as crucial as safeguarding your spiritual health. Here are some shamanic-inspired tips to maintain your sanity and inner peace when faced with unsettling behaviors on Facebook: 1. Set Firm Boundaries Empower yourself by setting clear boundaries for your Facebook interactions. Use the platform's privacy settings to control who can contact you and see your posts. Treat your Facebook feed as your digital sanctuary; guard it as diligently as you would your sacred space. 2. Cleanse Your Digital Space Regularly cleanse your Facebook friend list and messages, much like you would cleanse your home of negative energies. Unfriend or block individuals who disrupt your peace. This act of clearing is not just practical—it's a ritual that reaffirms your right to a harmonious environment. 3. Digital Detox Rituals Incorporate Facebook-specific detoxes into your routine, treating them as sacred times to reconnect with your higher self away from the noise of the internet. Whether it’s an hour each day or a full day each week, these periods of disconnection restore your mental clarity and reduce stress. 4. Engage in Mindful Meditation Engage in daily mindfulness or meditation practices to center yourself and shield against negative energies on Facebook. Visualize a barrier of light around your digital devices, protecting you from harm and keeping your engagement intentional and positive. 5. Seek Community Support Remember, you’re not alone in experiencing digital discomfort on Facebook. Reach out to communities that resonate with your values, perhaps in spiritual or healing groups, where you can share experiences and solutions in a supportive setting. 6. Reflect and Redirect Use unsettling Facebook interactions as prompts for personal reflection and growth. What lessons can these challenges teach you? Redirect this energy into your spiritual practices or creative outlets, transforming negative experiences into opportunities for personal empowerment. By integrating these practices into your daily life, you not only protect your digital well-being on Facebook but also enhance your spiritual journey, maintaining harmony and balance in all realms of existence. Keep these strategies in mind as you navigate the complexities of Facebook interactions, and remember that your peace of mind is paramount. What creepy things have people done to you on Facebook? What are you doing to counteract the creepiness? LAST UPDATED 5/7/2024 Content Manifested by Brand Shamans. |
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February 2025
*Disclaimer: Any information provided about crystals, spiritual practices, and healing is intended for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Individual results may vary. Please practice caution and informed decision-making in your personal journey. The author is a trained Shamanic Alchemist and experienced holistic researcher. Our content, products, or services are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning or changing any medical treatments or health-related practices.
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