If you draw the Ace of Swords card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Ace of Swords POSITION: Upright The Ace of Swords is a card of great power. This card indicates being ready to win a battle. Drawing this card can indicate that you have had a recent breakthrough or burst of mental clarity. If you haven't, you will. This can help you to achieve a greater understanding. A cloud will be lifted so that you can find the inner truth. This may be personal or it may be concerning a cause you are fighting for. This is a very good time to act on your intuition, pursue new opportunities, seek goals, and stand up for what you believe in. If you have been pursuing justice or challenges, prepare for a winning battle. You have the strength you need. If you drew the Ace of Swords card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below. (Card interpretations are general and can vary in personal readings, depending on each individual situation. Readings should be done by professionals for the most accuracy. These interpretations are meant for informational purposes only.)
If you draw the The Magician card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: The Magician POSITION: Upright The Magician is a card of creative vision, successful accomplishment, and the ability to "magically" handle all tasks thrown your way. If you draw this card in the upright position, you have the ability to accomplish everything you plan. This is in part due to your organizational and planning abilities. But all in all, it is about drawing all of your energy toward a goal you seek. If you are seeking a particular outcome right now, remember that you have this ability if you acknowledge and use all of your energies. Whatever you have set out to do will be done. Have faith. It is in your favor and completely under your control. If you drew The Magician card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
If you draw the Temperance card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Temperance POSITION: Upright This is a card of patience and inner reflection. Drawing this card in the upright position means you are doing some reorganization of your life and business. In doing so, you have started to find a balance between finances and family. If you haven't found this peace and balance yet, rest assured, it is coming. This is giving you an inner peace, which is sometimes unfamiliar. Try not to worry too much, as the deep reflection and finding a balance between the old you and the new you can often be scary. You may want to question things, especially if they seem too good. However, drawing the Temperance card says to trust in what you are doing, as you are on the right path. If you drew the Temperance card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Eight of Sky card in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck in the reversed or inverted position, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Eight of Sky (Eight of Swords) POSITION: Reversed / Inverted In Mystical Cats Tarot, the Sky Clan cards correspond to the Suit of Swords in any of the Waite Tarot decks. While the artwork on the cards is considerably different than on traditional Waite tarot cards, they can often be read in similar ways. However, the reading for the Eight of Sky in the Mystical Cats guidebook says is rather different from traditional readings of the Eight of Swords in Waite Tarot, especially in the reversed position. According to the “Tales of the Mystical Cats,” the Eight of Sky reversed means that you’re being tested. Whether that’s by others or by the universe in general, it’s time to show your ability to improvise and find innovative solutions for your problems. This should be considered an initiatory experience. Once you’ve passed this test, you’ll feel great achievement and find new self-respect. Others will recognize this, as well. This card suggests that you’re open to new perspectives and are ready to release things that are holding you back. Seeing this card reversed by the Eight of Swords meaning indicates that you’ve already gone through difficult times and you’re becoming more open to self-acceptance and change. The Eight of Sky tells you that you’ve already reflected on what’s worked and what hasn’t in your life. Now, you’ve changed your approach to things on your perspective on life. Perhaps in the past you played the role of the victim to your circumstances. But now you always are able to see that there are options. You’ve also learned to take greater accountability for where you’re at in life. Still, seeing the card reversed means that despite the progress you’ve made, you still have to free yourself from some things from your past. There are still some skeletons in the closet that still need to be cleaned out. The advise of this card is to let go of old beliefs and behaviors that were holding you back before. You’re on the right track, so don’t be afraid to improvise. What does the Eight of Sky (or Eight of Swords) card in the reversed position mean for you? ~ Phoenix <3
byPhoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Sea King card in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Sea King (King of Cups) POSITION: Upright In the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, the Sea Clan cards correspond to those of the Suit of Cups in the traditional Waite Tarot decks. In some cases, their meanings somewhat altered, as well. In this case, the Sea King card corresponds to the King of Cups card in traditional Waite Tarot decks. It’s definitely a good card to draw. The Sea King card suggests that you are someone that others look to for calm strength and reassurance. He suggests that you’ve earned respect as a peacemaker, which comes out of an authentic wish to reach out to others with kindness. The Sea King says that everyone within your sphere of influence benefits from your wise compassion, and that you’re able to counsel others without taking on others’ burdens as your own. The traditional reading for the King of Cups represents emotional balance and control, as well as generosity. So, the Mystical Cats Sea King is very much aligned with that interpretation of his analog in Waite Tarot. In this case, the Sea King suggests that you should be most generous with your kindness. But, be sure to follow his example and don't let others burdens become your own burdens. If anything, do what you can to help others get back onto their feet so that they can help themselves. Like the Sea King, working on your emotional intelligence and self-control can go a long way towards knowing when and how to help others to the benefit of everyone involved. What does the Sea King card mean for you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Grace card in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Grace (Temperance) POSITION: Upright In the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, the Major Arcana of traditional Waite Tarot are known as the Cat Mysteries in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck. Some of the names of the cards are different and their meanings somewhat altered. In this case, the Grace card corresponds to the Temperance card in traditional Waite Tarot decks. It’s definitely a good card to draw. According to the “Tales of the Mystical Cats” guidebook, the Cat’s advice is to find a place of inner harmony that allows you to move with pose and grace through any challenge you meet. If you get knocked off balance, figure out what’s needed to steady you. You have an ability to adapt to changing circumstances that allows you to be sure-footed even in tempestuous times. The cat advises you to seek tranquility. Traditionally known as Temperance, the Grace card signifies balance, moderation, and patience. It also suggests that you've found purpose in your life and meaning in what you're doing. If you haven't found these things yet, the Grace card suggests that you soon will as long as you keep yourself steady and stay the course with whatever you're doing. Even if what you're seeking isn't yet in sight, stay true to your good intentions, be patient, and what you seek – or something even better – will come before you know it. What does the Grace card mean for you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Eight of Sky card in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Eight of Sky (Eight of Swords) POSITION: Upright In Mystical Cats Tarot, the Sky Clan cards correspond to the Suit of Swords in any of the Waite Tarot decks. In many cases, while the artwork on the cards is considerably different, they are often read much the same. However, what the Eight of Sky suggests by what the Mystical Cats guidebook says is quite different from traditional readings of the Eight of Swords in Waite Tarot. Typically, the Eight of Swords would represent isolation, imprisonment, or self-imposed restriction. But although imprisonment is signified by the Eight of Sky, it's read with a far more positive connotation. Let’s see what’s suggested by the cat in this card. According to the “Tales of the Mystical Cats,” if you’re in a bad situation, it’s not as dire as you might think or as it first appears. If you feel trapped without any choices, stay calm. There’s a simple solution if you look for it. The best advice is to stay still and let your fear pass. If you thrash about, the situation will only get worse. Don’t let frustration get the best of you, and don’t let small annoyances only add to your frustration. Trust your own intelligence to find your way out. By the Mystical Cats reading, the Eight of Sky signifies that you're currently being held back or have been isolating yourself for reasons that very likely aren't enough to keep you that way. In fact, you'd read this card much like you would the reversed Eight of Swords in Waite Tarot. That would be saying you should be open to new perspectives to release yourself into the life you could be living. In any case, this card means that whatever is keeping you stuck at the moment will soon pass if you keep an open mind. What does the Eight of Sky (or Eight of Swords) card mean for you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Death card in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Death POSITION: Upright In the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, the Major Arcana of traditional Waite Tarot are known as the Cat Mysteries in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck. Some of the names of the cards are different and their meanings somewhat altered. However, Death is pretty much the same, although in the Mystical Cats deck, the artwork depicts the Nine Lives of a cat.. The Death card reminds you to be aware that whatever you’re dealing with at the moment is finite. It may be time to let something go. Don’t cling to what no longer serves you, as keeping these things around will only leave you stuck on your evolutionary path. Let go of what’s already done so that new life can come to you. Be thankful for the lessons that your trials have taught you and each gift that you’ve received along the way. Death is a card of endings and new beginnings. It signifies that you are in a time of change, transition, and hopefully transformation for the better. You may be having a hard time letting go of certain things in your life that no longer do any good. It's time to declutter both your material life and your spiritual life. If you're going through a hard time, accept that it's temporary and that it will soon be coming to an end. Look to tomorrow as a good new beginning. What does the Death card mean for you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Three of Fire card in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Three of Fire (Three of Wands) POSITION: Upright In Mystical Cats Tarot, the Fire Clan cards are the same as those in the Suit of Wands in any of the Waite Tarot decks. In this case, the Three of Fire corresponds with the Three of Wands. The imagery of this card depicts a white cat looking up towards something that she is about to leap up to and investigate. According to the “Tales of the Mystical Cats,” the Three of Fire advises you that it’s time to make a leap of faith. It’s time to leave the safety of your comfort zone. While your next step may involve some risk, the rewards will make up for it. The Three of Fire tells you that you’ve probably been lingering in the dark for too long and it’s time to leap into the light. This is the only way that you’ll find enlightenment. Like with the Three of Wands in traditional Waite Tarot, the Three of Fire signifies enterprise, expansion, foresight, and preparation. It means that your plans are progressing and you may be looking to expand your ventures even further. The Three of Fire tells you that as long as you keep a firm foundation and stick to your plan, you’ll find success, and potentially even more new opportunities. What does the Three of Fire - or Three of Wands - Tarot card mean for you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Earth King in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Earth King (King of Pentacles) POSITION: Upright In Mystical Cats Tarot, the Earth Clan cards are the same as the cards in the Suit of Pentacles in any of the Waite Tarot decks. With this card, the Earth King can be read in much the same way as the King of Pentacles. What advice does this card give you? The Earth King is a very good card to draw! This is a card that I like to see in a reading for myself, as I’m an Earth sign (Taurus). This is the card that spoke to me most when I was first looking through the Mystical Cats Tarot deck. I felt as if he was looking right into my soul, in fact. But, you don’t have to be an Earth sign for this card to be a great omen for you. According to the “Tales of the Mystical Cats,” the Earth King reminds you that others rely on your practicality and stability. He advises you to count your material blessings in order to maintain prosperity, even having enough that you can share it with others in need. The Earth King tells you that you’ll find your greatest satisfaction in helping others feel safe and secure. Whether that security and safety is in the home, workplace, or greater community, giving to and sharing with others is your calling. If you’re currently having a rough time, it’s time to recognize the abundance that you already have in your life. It’s possible that the Earth King may be telling you to focus on being practical and recognize that things are more stable than they may at first appear. You have control over your own destiny and have the power to help others find their own destinies. By bringing security to others around you, and teaching others the discipline necessary to achieve their own dreams, you will find your own contentment. The Earth King favors quality over quantity, and so should you. Even if you don’t have much, what you do have is already good. If there are struggles in your life now, stay the course with what’s worked for you, and you will find success. Above all, make kindness and generosity your top priorities when it comes to everything that you do in life. Only then will you feel true fulfilment and happiness in your life. What does the Earth King (or King of Pentacles) tell you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Ace of Sea reversed in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Ace of Sea (Ace of Cups) POSITION: Reversed / Inverted In Mystical Cats Tarot, the Sea Clan cards are the same as the cards in the Suit of Cups in any of the Waite Tarot decks. With this card, the Ace of Sea can be read in much the same way as the Ace of Cups. According to “The Tales of Mystical Cats,” the emblem for the Sea Cats signifies that you’re entering the territory of the Sea Clan. Their territory is a plan where imagination and emotions may freely flow. The cats here live by the way of love, happy to welcome you, and happy to listen to your dreams. What advice does this card give you? The Ace of Sea is usually a happy card to draw. But when it’s drawn in the reversed or inverted position, it means that something is receding from you. That may be something tangible or your own emotional response to something. If you feel like something is getting away from you, this card advises you to let it go. You may be feeling very sad about something. The Ace of Sea advises you to let your sadness flow and accept it as part of the natural flow of things. Trust that happiness will return in time. Also, if you drew the card for a question, the answer is no. If you’re looking for more guidance from this card, there’s also the interpretations for the traditional Ace of Cups to consider. Drawing the Ace of Cups reversed often represents blocked or repressed emotions. That interpretation lines up with what the Mystical Cats Tarot reading would suggest. But, the interesting thing is that the traditional reading of the Ace of Cups in the reversed position is to actually fight through the emotion, using the emotional energy to carry you forward. The reversed Ace of Cups can actually mean that you it’s possible to over-express your emotions. But, like the Ace of Sea would suggest, it can mean the opposite, as well. In any case, you may be feeling emotionally drained or exhausted. Take a moment to reflect on how you are feeling and how it may be affecting your reactions and responses to everyday things. You may also be holding back in your relationship with a best friend, family member, or partner, out of fear of getting hurt or losing that relationship. So, you must stay open and truthful with your partner, friend, or family member in order for that relationship to move forward. So, if you’re blocking or repressing some powerful emotion, it’s time to find a way to constructively and positively release it. Let go of any fear you have that may be stopping you from going forward with something. Release any anger, frustration, or sadness that you may be holding in through some creative outlet, such as art, writing, or singing. Generally speaking, if you’re bottling up some negative energy, it’s time to turn it into a positive. What does the Ace of Sea (or the Ace of Cups) mean for you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Stars card in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Stars (The Star) POSITION: Upright In Mystical Cats Tarot, the Stars card is the same as The Star in any of the Waite Tarot decks. In this deck, the imagery of the Stars card depicts a grey cat in a tree looking up at the constellation of the Great Lion. It’s the same artwork depicted on the front of the Mystical Cats Tarot box. The Major Arcana are known as the Cat Mysteries in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, hence why some of the names of the cards are different and their meanings somewhat altered. Quoting the “Tales of the Mystical Cats:” “When Bast gave birth to the universe, she blessed each of her creations with a connection to cosmic consciousness. Cats are aware of this from kittenhood. We know we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Like stars, we are bright, perfect, unique, and are linked to a common origin as we live out our individual destinies. This is the great Mystery of faith: to trust that there is meaning and intention in the pattern of our lives. When we gaze upward and behold the Great Lion, we know that we too are made of stardust.” - Lunaea Weatherstone, “Tales of the Mystical Cats from Mystical Cats Tarot What advice does this card give you? The advice that the Stars card gives you is that you should never doubt your uniqueness. You are a precious being and a vital part of the unfolding of the Universe. Keep faith that things are happening as they are meant to, even if things are unclear right now. You must trust the Universe that the pattern of your life will soon become much clearer to you. You can take action knowing that your path is being guided by the Divine Will. Indeed, this is a great card to see all the time! It’s very much the same as pulling The Star from a traditional Waite deck. The Star often signifies positive things such as inspiration and Hope, serenity and renewal, and spirituality. Also, just like the Stars card in Mystical Cats Tarot, the Star is associated with the number 17. From a numerology perspective, 17 equals 8: (1+7=8). The number Eight means Strength. This is the quality most necessary when learning to love and accept yourself in spite of your faults.
While the traditional Waite Tarot meaning and the Mystical Cats Tarot meanings are somewhat different, they certainly go together. Whichever meaning you choose to believe in by your own intuition, drawing this card is a good omen. Know that the Universe has your back as long as you learn to accept and love yourself and have faith in your own abilities and talents.
What does the Stars card (or The Star) mean for you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Ace of Earth card in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck in the reversed position, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Ace of Earth (Ace of Pentacles) POSITION: Reversed/Inverted In Mystical Cats Tarot, the Earth Clan cards correspond to the Suit of Pentacles in any of the Waite Tarot decks. In this case, the Ace of Earth is the analog for the Ace of Pentacles. In this deck, the imagery of the Ace of Earth depicts a giant cat paw engraved into a big tree in the middle of a field. What advice does this card give you? When it’s upright, the Ace of Earth (or Ace of Pentacles) signifies new opportunity is right on the horizon. But when reversed, it can represent missed opportunity or a lack of foresight or planning. The Mystical Cats Tarot deck guidebook, “The Tales of the Mystical Cats,” advises you that you may miss a great opportunity that’s right in front of you. You may be too ungrounded or scattered currently to see it. Don’t doubt your own good fortune by waste it by putting things off or being careless with your gifts. The advice for this card also suggests that if you drew this card for a question, the answer could be yes or no. It depends on what gift is being offered to you and whether or not you want to accept it. While this card does have many negative connotations, there is a bright side to revealing this card for your reading. It can mean that you’re experiencing self-doubt about an opportunity that has presented itself. In that case, the card advises you to not pass it up. Another positive way of looking at this card in the reversed position is that you may have been putting off something you’ve wanted to do for a long time. Seeing this card in your reading signifies that you shouldn’t delay any longer and pursue whatever it is that you want to do. Follow your heart and in this case, listen to your heart over your head. However, seeing the Ace of Earth reversed also means you must be cautious in your ventures. But, don’t let taking careful steps be mistaken for putting things off. You may need to take baby steps rather than diving headlong into whatever it is you’re trying to do.
Drawing the Ace of Earth in your Tarot reading means that the Earth Clan is welcoming you. It means that you have a strong connection with the Earth that you shouldn’t deny. You may be frustrated that things are not manifesting in the way you intended, and you may be finding great difficulty in achieving your goals. Don’t take this card as a bad omen, though. Just look at it as a sign that you just need to pursue your same goals, but that you should be mindful of each step that you take.
If you’ve ever drawn the Ace of Earth - or Ace of Pentacles - in your Tarot Reading, what has it told you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Phoenix A. Desertsong, Staff Writer, Healer & Advocate
If you draw the Three of Sea card in the Mystical Cats Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Mystical Cats Tarot CARD: Three of Sea (Three of Cups) POSITION: Upright In Mystical Cats Tarot, the Sea Clan cards are the same as those in the Suit of Cups in any of the Waite Tarot decks. In this case, the Three of Sea corresponds with the Three of Cups. In this deck, the imagery of the Three of Sea depicts two cats and a seal chilling out on a rocky surface at the seashore. What advice does this card give you? According to the “Tales of the Mystical Cats,” the Three of Sea advises you to get together soon with friends. It’s a reminder that others take the same pleasure in your company as you do in theirs. You don’t need a special occasion or group activity to get together. It’s a time to celebrate the friendships in your life! Much like its counterpart in the Three of Cups, this is a card of community and friendship. The Three of Sea card is a reminder that no matter what problems you may have in your life currently, enjoying quality time with family and friends is highly important. It’s the best way you can deal with any hassles or stresses that you’re currently dealing with. Also, like with the Three of Cups, drawing this card signifies a respite from periods of high stress. It can mean the conclusion of any major problems you are currently having in your life. This is especially true if you’re currently dealing with trouble in interacting with others. What this card tells me is that if you’re currently feeling isolated, then you should reach out and share your positive intentions and energy with others. Whether that’s a friend you haven’t spoken to in awhile or a family member that’s going through a rough time, focus on bringing good to them. You may find that that you want to band with others, friends, family, acquaintances, or even total strangers to achieve a common goal for the greater good. This may involve a creative activity, such as art, writing, or some other sort of club. But it could also be a non-profit organization that serves the greater good of community.
In any case, the Three of Sea is a great card to draw upright. Take time to spend with your friends and family. Find something that you love that can help you benefit others. Share your positive energy with others, and they will share theirs with you!
What does the Three of Sea (or Three of Cups) mean for you? ~ Phoenix <3
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Two of Cups card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Two of Cups POSITION: Reversed/Inverted The Two of Cups is a card of union and balance. It can refer to a romantic relationship, a good friendship, a unified community, or even a career partnership. It can also indicate a parent and child bond or even the bond between yourself and a beloved pet. Drawing this card in the reversed position signifies the need to reflect on your inner feelings. Trust and love yourself. Once you do this, all of your further relationships will be stronger for it. Take some time to think about all of the relationships and partnerships in your life (and even potential ones). Whichever of these is weighing on your mind at the moment is that which you need to put your energy into. Drawing the Two Of Cups indicates a need to start new projects, go on an adventure, or do something else that is vital to the particular relationship you are in need of nurturing. Take this time to nurture the relationship on your mind and it will grow strong. If you drew the Two of Cups card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Strength card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Strength POSITION: Upright The Strength card, like its name, symbolizes strength. It also represents courage and compassion. Drawing the Strength card in the upright position says that you are a very strong individual and will rise above any situation. But you do this with compassion. You may be presented with a situation in which you must aid one or more friends or family members. You are the calm and patient one in this instance. You also may have the need to do something for the greater good of others. Rely on your instincts and, like a wild cat, slowly approach each situation before leaping forward. You may need time to reflect in order to balance your strengths. Be patient and what you seek will come to fruition if you are focused. By heeding this advice, you will accomplish a great deal in life and will be rewarded for all of your efforts. If you drew the Strength card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw The Hermit card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: The Hermit POSITION: Upright The Hermit indicates a need for some soul-searching or inner guidance. This is a time for reflection. You may be looking for a deeper meaning and truth surrounding your life goals. Drawing this card says you need a new life journey and are examining which way to turn in spiritual matters, as well as your priorities, morals, and life purpose. This is a time to reflect on where you are headed and decide how best to serve yourself and others. You have a strong desire to help others. However, in order to continue helping them, you must also be fulfilled, but not by material means. Meditate and visualize what is most important to you. Your answer will come when it is meant to. If you drew The Hermit card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Seven of Swords card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Seven of Swords POSITION: Upright The Seven of Swords can indicate many things. It can be a card of deception, but also may mean the need to work with others. Drawing this card in the upright position reminds one to be mindful of their instincts. If you've been trying to escape a situation quietly, rather than dealing with it head on, consider the consequences before doing so. Drawing this card may also suggest that someone in your path is sneaky. Be cautious of the plans others may have for you. You can avoid this by using your instincts and smarts. If you have had the desire to be very independent on a project or life goal, consider those around you first. There is someone who may offer the insight you need to forge ahead in this endeavor. Don't overlook them, as the way you synergize with them may be just what your goal or project needs to move forward. In summary, drawing this card reminds you to be aware of your surroundings and utilize your instincts, as well as brain smarts before making any moves. If you adhere this, you should have an easier time achieving what you want and need. If you drew the Seven of Swords card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Five of Swords card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Five of Swords POSITION: Upright The Five of Swords represents conquests, winning at all costs, and sometimes betrayal and defeat. If you draw the Five of Swords in the upright position, you may be in a battle of sorts or have won one recently. You like to stand up for what you believe in. Fighting through these conflicts can often be a good thing. Just remember to choose these battles wisely so as to not be defeated or to feel that way even when you win. Be careful who you trust, as someone may be trying to be deceptive, so as to go behind your back and sabotage what you have worked to build. Do not feel discouraged though. If you pay careful attention, you will learn to plow through no matter what. This is a time to be quiet and reflective and to champion ahead without letting others affect you, but also without becoming boastful. Be you but be humble. You will win this battle. If you drew the Five of Swords card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Queen of Pentacles card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Queen of Pentacles POSITION: Upright The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes security, motherly traits, being down-to-earth, and being practical. If you draw this card in the upright position, you are a motherly figure or are striving to be one. This particular motherly role that Queen of Pentacles represents means you can work, tend to the household, as well as serve the family's needs without taking away from any of these areas. You have within you the need for independence with stability and the time to nurture your family. If this hasn't yet come for you, keep striving toward it, as this card says it is yours for the taking. The Queen of pentacles is a card of prosperity that comes with hard work and dedication. You are a generous soul who will share this wealth with everyone around you. It is important to maintain your down-to-earth attitude while creating a calm and balanced life. Success will come (or remain) by utilizing this attitude, as well as being resourceful and practical. No-fuss solutions that are quick and easy will be your staple, as you get through life. You are very handy and versatile and will be able to solve anything that comes your way. If you drew the Queen of Pentacles card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Page of Wands card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Page of Wands POSITION: Upright The Page of Wands represents self-discovery, adventure, motivation or excitement, and being free. If you draw the Page of Wands, this means you are likely bursting at the seams with some sort of new idea. Often, it comes in the form of creative ventures, such as writing, art, or music. You are very excited to begin a new creative project. Be positive and let your spontaneity do what it needs to, while also being patient with your expected results. Also, pay attention to new positive influences around you and be open to change. You may have to let go of judgment and be open to a new way of thinking. This may be presented by someone you at first see as immature but this person is a valuable resource who is honest and genuine. If you drew the Page of Wands card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Ten of Cups card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Ten of Cups POSITION: Upright The Ten of Cups symbolizes marriage, harmony, happiness, and alignment with your universe. If you draw this card in the upright position in a reading, your family life is happy and harmonious or will be very soon. The Ten of Cups represents a comforting place full of peace and love. If you are in a long-term relationship, this card can represent ultimate satisfaction of that union. Otherwise, it's indicative of the beginnings of a very positive new relationship. When it comes to other aspects of life, this card says you have a deep values system that you arr happy and fulfilled with. This could refer to family or spiritual values. If you draw this card, it means you should follow your heart and trust your intuition in all things. In every endeavor or goal you seek, stop to think about what feels right and use those feelings to move forward in confident success. If you drew the Ten of Cups card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Knight of Cups card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Knight of Cups POSITION: Upright The Knight of Cups represents imagination, charm, romance, and creativity. If you draw this card upright in a health reading, it means that a focus on creative inspirations and those that use your wonderful imagination will benefit you emotionally and physically. You are about to embark on a new creative experience. Sometimes this means a messenger will bring you this idea or work on it with you. Whether alone or in creative partnership, you will create something amazing that will help you get through the obstacles life throws in your path. This is a time to focus on your world around you to create something that helps you creatively as well as emotionally. Be very open-minded and don't be afraid to explore new ideas and territories. You will be drawn to something that is very new but that you have a great passion toward pursuing and achieving. You may move toward this slowly, but that likely means you have a good plan. Follow this path. If you drew the Knight of Cups card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Five of Wands card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Five of Wands POSITION: Reversed/Inverted The Five of Wands represents goals, frustration, community, and conflict. In reversed position, the Five of Wands symbolizes a greater focus on goals, as well as avoiding conflict. If this card shows up in a reading, you may be experiencing a greater focus on goals. You are learning how better to organize and plan and have the potential to do great things. You may be closer to your goals than you realize. Be sure to stay committed to what you are doing, as you are on the right path. You may have recently had a burst of anger or frustration toward your dreams. But you have since learned to change that and use it for the betterment of your goals. You are good at avoiding conflict. But this is a time to dive into it head on in order to realize your goals and dreams. You have the skills required and know what they are. You just need to listen to your inner voice and let it shine. It will guide you where you need to go. If you drew the Five of Wands card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below.
by Rayne L Desertsong; Staff Writer, Healer, and Advocate
If you draw the Queen of Wands card in the Universal Waite Tarot deck, what does it mean? Is this a good card to draw? What lessons can you learn from this tarot card reading?
DECK: Universal Waite Tarot Deck CARD: Queen of Wands POSITION: Upright The Queen of Wands represents vibrancy and determination. This is a card of power and challenge. If you draw this card in the upright position in a reading, you are a go-getter and will go for what you want and need. You may work long hours to achieve a goal. While determination is great, don't forget to take a break to avoid burnout. Taking a break isn't easy for those with such a determined heart and soul. But it's necessary to be at your best and accomplish things properly. When you are on a mission, it can be easy to get frustrated with those who stand in the way. But sometimes, they are there for a reason. Taking a second to breathe before reacting can help you avoid this and can be good for all involved, including you. Drawing this card also symbolizes dreams being realized. You are closer to this than it may seem. Remember that a rainbow can only appear after a storm. You work best as a leader and have what it takes to succeed. Simply keep leading the way and you will manifest all of your goals. If you drew the Queen of Wands card in a deck of Universal Waite Tarot Cards, what did you learn? Tell us in the comments below. |
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