Consider Your Goals Before writing in your blessed money manifest journal, think about the goals you have regarding money. Write down all of those goals elsewhere. One goal list might look something like: buy new car, buy a house, save $22,222, pay off all bills, have secure work or clients constantly coming in, and have more than enough money to maintain and save every month.
Write All Of Your New Phrases Into Your Blessed Money Manifest Journal
Once you have rephrased all of your goals as detailed and accurately as possible, write them all down in your blessed money manifest journal. If they go together, write them together. Otherwise, give them each their own section. Feel free to elaborate as much as is needed in order to get the point across, even if some goals end up being a paragraph, rather than a sentence. It is better to include too many details than not enough when it comes to manifesting. Then again, including way too many details could block a manifestation as well. Use your intuition and better judgment to decide what makes sense. For instance, saying something like "Thank you for the million dollars I magically found on my doorstep after going grocery shopping and spending my last hundred dollars after my car got towed" is a bit too much detail. Trust the universe to bless you and align you properly with everything you need. Know that it will happen in whatever way is needed at the exact appropriate time needed. Tips For Best Manifestation Practices Goals and plans can change or grow over time. Be sure to update your goals and add more in your blessed money manifest journal as often as you need to. When manifesting, you have to KNOW that you will be blessed with what you need. Therefore, once you write the manifestation down, don't overthink it or overly focus on what was written. It's great to take actions toward the goals. But in doing so, know that it will work in your favor. When you know a fact, it just is. You don't worry or talk about it all the time. Therefore, live as if your manifestations are a fact. When done correctly and with good intentions, you will see your manifestations coming through easily and effortlessly. When you are properly aligned, the universe will bless you accordingly.
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December 2024