by EN TheDarkOne, Contributing Writer The fantastic thing about love spells is the individual soul binding experience with yourself and someone who is secure in learning the do's and don'ts of spirituality. The emotional ties of a love spell can create a lasting bond when two people are truly meant to be. But like any practice, there are some important dos and don'ts of love spells.
Do: Use A Love Spell To Draw Kindred Souls Closer A love spell can help two people on the same journey draw closer together when the alignment is correct. This is where you need to be in touch with your intuitive self, as well as be aware of your love interest's subconscious desires before attempting the spell. Do: Consider Valid Reasons For Love Spells Reasons to utilize a love spell include two willing people who may be feeling insecure, binding two willing connected spirits together, and banishing any negativity without a trace. But how do you know when it's a good time to start? Do: Be Patient And Tune In To Your Soul You will feel it in your soul. The closer you are to your spirit, the connection of other energies, and the connection to your love interest's energies, the more your soul will tell you. That takes time, but be patient and absorb how sensitive it all can be to touch a place where few have been. Don't: Rush Into A Love Spell Unprepared Love spells can help create a magical, mystical, and new meaning to love. However, the danger of love spells is also ever present. Keep in mind that not being prepared spiritually or doing a love spell for the wrong reasons will cause it to backfire and come back upon you in ways you will not be prepared for. Don't: Infringe On Another's Free Will Many try too much to seek out love through spells when this is not the proper usage of this sacred spiritual gift. They don't allow themselves time to do the proper research and are infringing upon another's rights. Exercising a person's love through this practice puts weight on your shoulders. If they are not willing, you are tampering with their free will. Don't: Be Misleading Or Bind To The Wrong Person It should be respected and taken into consideration what could go wrong if you are misleading with your energy and sending the wrong vibes to someone you have no business messing with. Any time a love spell is done, remember that you are creating a lasting bond. Do you really want to bind yourself to another being that isn't right for you? Imagine being bound to an abuser or worse. Love spells can truly be a beautiful and magical experience when shared between two willing and aware individuals. But if you are unsure in any way, it is best to err on the side of caution and wait until both parties know in their soul that this is what should be done. Just being in love does not necessarily mean you need a love spell. It is something you both will feel and know in alignment.
By: Jessikah-Nykole Perry • Spiritual Life Coach • Holistic Healer • Artisan • Owner of JessBee Orgonite© | • Sage is an old-age aromatic herb used for many different healing and medicinal purposes. Native to the Mediterranean and a component of the mint family, the sweet, distinct fragrance the herb provides is an instant mood boost. Sage's most renowned benefits are its magical properties of protection & divine wisdom. Many Shamans, rootworkers, Reiki Healers, and spiritualists use Sage regularly in their healing & energy clearing practices.
When searching for sage, you'll want to be sure you choose a good quality herb, such as our sage at Intent-sive Nature. Using excellent quality sage is essential to get the most healing benefits from its natural properties. Some of the Magical healing properties of Sage are its noticeable encouragement of longevity and the Promotion of increased Wisdom and Knowledge. Lighting up some sage while doing spiritual readings, chakra healing sessions, tantra, or reiki can help channel forth the spiritual wisdom of your Ancestors & Spirit Guides. and assist in accessing Universal Knowledge via The Akashic Records. Spiritually, Sage has the capability of cleansing and purifying one's atmosphere and body. Sage is respected as a sacred and majestic plant, used to create a bridge to the divine spiritual world, The Divine Creator or Divine Primordial Mother—what many recognize as God. Sage is utilized in calling forth heavenly spiritual & celestial warriors to battle the unseen realms that are in constant movement around us. If you need to get grounded, boost your courage and perseverance, try lighting some magical sage to draw on its natural spiritual properties. You are smudging your home & or workspace ushering in fresh, positive energy. Quality smudge sticks will render some of the most potent healing properties. Use sage when outside chaos enters into your life or physical environment. The magical spiritual properties of sage have the power to draw Light-Beings close to us, providing spiritual healing and comfort in times of stress. Sage helps us to truly connect into the spirit of our homes, allowing us to strengthen our heart space and all those that dwell there with us. Sage magical properties can draw a hedge of spiritual protections into our homes, keeping unwanted negative entities away. Perhaps you prefer loose leaf sage over a smudge stick? If you're in a space where smudging isn't necessarily appropriate to burn, put some loose sage herbs into hot water and steep like tea for a few minutes. After the sage has soaked, you can either pour it into a spray bottle and midst the areas you want to clear spiritually or drink like a tea. You can even choose to add a few drops of your favorite essential oils, such as lavender or lemongrass, to your spray bottle. Allow sage's magical energies to attract more abundance and prosperity into your home & life. By Jessikah-Nykole Perry • Spiritual Life Coach • Holistic Healer • Artisan • Owner of JessBee Orgonite© |• Creating an Altar and consistently placing a Protection Ritual Candle on it is a very effective & safe way to practice spell working. It's important to use some type of Protection Ritual Spell to provide a foundational barrier to keeping unwanted hexes, malevolent energies & entities away! Do this along with creating a magical Protection Shield to ward off not only physical vampires but those spiritual blood-sucking parasites as well.
If you’re needing some creative flare on how to use your Protection Ritual Candle in your Magical affairs, then keep scrolling down for some enchanting tips! (3) Three Ways to Use a Protection Ritual Candle: CARVE IT-- Carve a protection spell writ into your Protection Ritual Candle using a magical athame, the tip of a pencil or pen, a nail, or any other small pointy type object that can be used as a writing utensil. Depending on the size of the candle you can write something short & sweet, or re elaborate with concise detailed spell writing. Either way it's the intention & intensity of your own energy you put into your Protection Candle that is the most important & will perfectly yield your spell & ritual intentions forward. WRAP IT-- Wrap your Protection Ritual Candle in a torn off piece of brown paper bag. Your probably wondering what’s the point of that. Well, you can get creative in writing out a protection petition on it 3 times and then autographing your name. Or you may want to create a perfect personal protection sigil,–one you create yourself or one you find surfing the world wide web. After you've decided, decorate your Protection Sigil onto the torn piece of brown paper bag. Than, once your paper is to your likening you can wrap it around Your Protection Ritual Candle. CAUTION: I would only recommend this for candles that are housed in jars, we wouldn’t want to start anyyyyyyyy fires that we can't controllably put out!!! However, if your altar is large enough, with a space for burning ritual elements in a fire-safe cauldron or container, then place your wrapped candle in there and let it burn baby, burn!!! Also an alternative would be to simply fold the paper towards you three times, setting your intention of Protection into each folded crease and placing it under the candle. Perhaps the candle is on a wax dripping spell plate, place petition underneath the plate to complete the ritual. RETURN TO SENDER-- is a cool way to use your Protection Ritual Candle to reverse curses, hexes, unwanted spell works, or to get Karmic Justice. A simple way to do this is by using some reversal oil to dress your Protection Ritual Candle with and placing it on your working altar. You can Also take a spiritual cleansing bath, light & place your Protection Ritual candle on the side of the tube. Through Visualization while in your spiritual bath look at the flame of the candle and see all negativity returning back to where it was sent from. If it is your own negativity see and visualize it falling into the bathwater. As you end your bath watch all the negativity go down the drain, leaving your space. Feel good and know all is well with your ritual spell work! Drip some of the wax of your Protection Ritual Candle onto a small piece of cloth you can fold, tie or pin to your clothing or even wear in your bra or pants pocket as a form of a Protection amulet. Allow the remaining Protection Ritual Candle to burnout on your working altar. |
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February 2025
*Disclaimer: Any information provided about crystals, spiritual practices, and healing is intended for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Individual results may vary. Please practice caution and informed decision-making in your personal journey. The author is a trained Shamanic Alchemist and experienced holistic researcher. Our content, products, or services are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning or changing any medical treatments or health-related practices.
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