Installing vinyl flooring in your RV can be a great way to save on many levels. Find out below five of the ways we found it helpful and why we installed it in our RV ourselves almost immediately. (more below) Mud And Spills Clean Up Easy The RV life often involves raw and dirty adventuring -- and sometimes kids. Oh yes, and some of those nasty RV only messes that can happen in the restroom...well, we won;t go all the way there. For all those unfortunate messes in your motorhome or camper, vinyl flooring makes cleanup so much easier. Vinyl Flooring Makes A Great Waterproof Barrier When we purchased our RV, we noticed the previous owners just painted straight over the sub-floor. Not a super huge deal. But that made it more vulnerable to going bad faster. So, we decided to cover it up with vinyl flooring almost immediately. This actually has helped create a waterproof barrier and keep the sub-floor sturdy much longer. This way, if our roof ever leaks or we have some nasty spill or accident, it's less likely to ruin the sub-floor. (more below) Get That Clean "Home" Feel At A Low Cost
If you like the look of tiles, but want something more versatile and convenient, vinyl flooring may be the way to go. As you can see in the above pictures taken during our installation of the vinyl tiles, they completely change the look of the entire motorhome. It's Lightweight Many tiles can be heavy and easy to break. This creates multiple problems in a rolling home. Vinyl flooring is lightweight and harder to crack. Even if you do somehow manage to mess up a spot, they are easier and cheaper to fill in. Imagine all the extra weight that would be added to your RV if you used traditional tiles. No thank you. I don't know about you, but ours has enough extra weight added as it is. Vinyl Flooring Is Easy To Install And of course, one of the best reasons to install vinyl flooring is that it's super easy to do. There are so many projects and repairs in an RV if you use it often. Vinyl flooring will allow you to do it yourself inexpensively and quickly without having to hire help and pay an extra cost.
Kansas is one of the many states we passed through on our huge RV road trip this past summer. Here are some beautiful photos of a sunset in the hills over a lake in Dorrance, KS.
You won't believe what this rare 1977 Winnebago looks like inside and out! It's all decked out Denver Broncos style, but still remains true to the 70's. The engine needs a rebuild, but most other things inside are in working order. We're working on getting this vintage beauty into tip-top shape. Take a rare peek at what's going on inside this '77 Minnie Winnie! The dinette that doubles as a bed needed a little work done when we got it as the center piece was missing and one of the benches had a crack in the seat area. I went to Home Depot and got some board for both areas, as well as the necessary hardware, picked up some marine vinyl fabric, and put it together. More about that in a future post. The top bunk is a perfect hideaway and doesn't really need any work done to it. We may eventually replace the mattress there, along with the cushions and mattresses in the other areas. The kitchen doesn't really need much work, as most everything is in working order. I did replace the p-trap in the beginning, as there was a small leak, which is normal in any kitchen, not just RVs. We also will need to replace the water pump. But that's about it. The bathroom doesn't need any help at all. In addition to the toilet and sink pictured, there is a spacious closet with a door, as well as a full tub and shower. When we got the RV, the wood floors came painted blue to match the Broncos theme. However, raw wooden floors are not very livable in an RV. So, we replaced them by installing vinyl tile, which is much easier to clean during adventures. It's also better when you have kids. The picture on the right shows the original floor and the one on the left shows what we did. The picture on the left shows my son on the long bench that is opposite the dinette bench. The picture on the right is the RV refrigerator. It does have an issue staying cold that may or may not be simple. We're working on that too. When we adventure, we do have a system that keeps it cold. So it's not a priority yet. Though, it is on the list of fixes.
This is just a small glimpse of everything that's on the inside and what we've been doing. Stay tuned to future posts for even more by hitting the subscribe button on the right. We've been having so much fun at a campground in Strasburg, CO. Outdoor movies are one of the many fun things they do. Here's a couple pics of the kids watching one of the Peter Pan movies this past weekend. We think it's cute that the campground owners let one of the little girls here bring the feature movie that night. They're really good here about making sure everyone is happy and included, especially the kids. When the kids are happy, the parents are happy.
We had lots of fun at the campground in Strasburg, CO this past weekend. One of the things we did is a hay ride. This was a first hay ride for Aja, Nathan, and Nova. Rich and I had done them before, but it had been quite some time. All Images © Lyn Lomasi; All Rights Reserved
One of the best things about this campground we've been staying at in Strasburg, Colorado is the fact that they have plenty for the kids to do on weekends. One of the activities is renting bikes (actually pedal powered go-karts) for an hour or so. They aren't the easiest things to ride, but that's part of the beauty of them.
Aja and Nathan had a blast riding the pedal go-kart bikes this past weekend. Just look at them go in the photos and video below!
Here's a video Rich took of Aja and Nathan riding and having fun. Please excuse the fact that his finger shows up in the camera view a few times...
NewsletterSignup for news and special offers! Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list. We are a homeschooling family, sometimes roadschooling in an RV. We enjoy spreading the word about how to #RV successfully! We've traveled across the country in a '77 Minnie Winnie decorated Denver Broncos style and dubbed the BroncoBago. We've also had other rigs as well. Follow along as Lyn Lomasi and family share adventures, tips, how-to guides on the RV Life in a #Winnebago, and more! If it's about RVs, homeschooling, roadschooling, camping, and the like, you can bet we'll cover it. Hop in and enjoy the ride!
November 2023
*Disclaimer: Any information provided about crystals, spiritual practices, and healing is intended for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Individual results may vary. Please practice caution and informed decision-making in your personal journey. The author is a trained Shamanic Alchemist and experienced holistic researcher. Our content, products, or services are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning or changing any medical treatments or health-related practices.
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