When roadschooling (homeschooling on the road, if you haven't heard), it's important to find a curriculum that is highly portable, lightweight, but still packed with all the important learning tools and information your child needs for a solid education. Here's why we think time4learning.com fits the bill. No Need To Carry Heavy Books Whether roadschooling in a rolling home (aka RV) or via the family vehicle, you probably want to save the space for gear. Who wants to lug learning material while hiking in the Rocky Mountains or kayaking the rapids? Not us, that's for sure! We often do some pretty rough terrain hikes and intense climbing and other adventuring. We need more room for food, water, and supplies and don;t really have a place for heavy books. Time4Learning allows us this luxury. Ditch the heavy books for a learning method you can fit in your pocket, if necessary. It Fits In Your Pocket! We love that our kids can do Time4Learning's homeschool curriculum via their phones or tablets, if need be. This really comes in handy when we're using nature or another road-trip-worthy excursion in conjunction with lessons. This way, if the day's lessons involve railroad history, we can easily pull it out on a trip to railroad or museum. Then, it can all be done at the same time, for a more memorable lesson. In the photo above, our son was learning about the first continuous land link by railroad across the U.S. How many books do you see in hand? Why? His cell phone was in his pocket so that he could easily access his lessons, if need be. Learn Anytime - Literally We all know that kids have that magic time when they learn the best. When you use Time4Learning during roadschooling homeschool field trips, you can either put the lessons or the adventure first. Your child can log on whenever they want - even 3 a.m, if you approve! This allows children to be more relaxed and focused when they log on. A focused child is more likely to learn than one who is forced to learn before ready. What If Your Child Hates Learning? If your child is like one of ours, gaming is everything and learning is boring. Well, at least that was before roadschooling with Time4Learning, anyway. Because the lessons are very interactive, it's like getting a gaming experience, allowing children to actually enjoy the lessons. The added adventures with the roadschooling lifestyle hardly make it seem like school at all. What About an Internet Connection On The Road? Yes, we know that many RVers face this often. However, getting internet access for using Time4Learning on the road isn't as hard as you think. We use a cell phone plan that includes unlimited data for the kids who use Time4Learning. Then, the rest of the phones have the highest data plan that includes WiFi hotspot. This means that if the kids want to do their learning on the computer or tablet, instead of the phone, they can still access their lessons using the WiFi hotspot. If the cell phone solution isn't an affordable option for your family, most cities and towns have libraries. We've never had problems finding one somewhere on the way there or back, if not in the place we're traveling to. Does My Child Actually Learn With Time4Learning? In our experience, most definitely. We have actually tried other forms of online homeschooling and this is the only one that all of the kids liked, regardless of whether it was used in lower or upper grades. It's also the one they've learned the most using. We think this is because of the built-in entertainment factor. When kids enjoy themselves, they pay more attention, thus making it so the lessons actually stick. *Note: The author was compensated for this review. However, the review is 100% honest, based on her own experiences and is in no way influenced by the compensation. Need an honest review? Please Contact Us with info. We only do reviews for products and services that our family actually uses.
Roadschooling is homeschooling while on the road. Until we're back in the RV, we'll be doing what we can of that in our old school Toyota 4Runner. Recently, we took a very short road trip to Bingham Lake, which is in The Pinery (Parker), Colorado. We taught Nathan about the fish, deer, and other wildlife in the area. He even got to see some. He made some vlogs, as well as captured some photos, in addition to the footage we got, which makes for a good lesson in arts, video and photo editing, science & nature, and local history. You won't see Nathan's content in this post, as it belongs to him and he has another place to post it. Anyhow, we got to see some deer, rabbits, fish, and more all up close. The deer were mere inches away, so we were walking among them. But, obviously we did not feed or pet them. That's a big no-no! What a great roadschool/homeschool lesson in enjoying nature and leaving it as is. Here are some of the many photos from our adventure. All photos © Lyn Lomasi; All Rights Reserved What roadschooling adventures have you been on lately? Share your links and commentary below.
Kansas is one of the many states we passed through on our huge RV road trip this past summer. Here are some beautiful photos of a sunset in the hills over a lake in Dorrance, KS.
During our recent long cross-country trip, Watertown, New York was one of our stops. That's where I was born and we wanted the kids, especially Nova (since she was practically a newborn) , to see relatives we hadn't seen in years. While we were there, among other things, we visited Waterworks Park. Enjoy our adventures through pictures -- and don't worry, we didn't venture into the rough waters. We only waded (aka stuck our feet in) at the very beginning of the shallow rocky waters. All Images © Lyn Lomasi and Richard Rowell; All Rights Reserved
We've been having so much fun at a campground in Strasburg, CO. Outdoor movies are one of the many fun things they do. Here's a couple pics of the kids watching one of the Peter Pan movies this past weekend. We think it's cute that the campground owners let one of the little girls here bring the feature movie that night. They're really good here about making sure everyone is happy and included, especially the kids. When the kids are happy, the parents are happy.
We had lots of fun at the campground in Strasburg, CO this past weekend. One of the things we did is a hay ride. This was a first hay ride for Aja, Nathan, and Nova. Rich and I had done them before, but it had been quite some time. All Images © Lyn Lomasi; All Rights Reserved
One of the best things about this campground we've been staying at in Strasburg, Colorado is the fact that they have plenty for the kids to do on weekends. One of the activities is renting bikes (actually pedal powered go-karts) for an hour or so. They aren't the easiest things to ride, but that's part of the beauty of them.
Aja and Nathan had a blast riding the pedal go-kart bikes this past weekend. Just look at them go in the photos and video below!
Here's a video Rich took of Aja and Nathan riding and having fun. Please excuse the fact that his finger shows up in the camera view a few times...
We are a homeschooling family, sometimes roadschooling in an RV. We enjoy spreading the word about how to #RV successfully! We've traveled across the country in a '77 Minnie Winnie decorated Denver Broncos style and dubbed the BroncoBago. We've also had other rigs as well. Follow along as Lyn Lomasi and family share adventures, tips, how-to guides on the RV Life in a #Winnebago, and more! If it's about RVs, homeschooling, roadschooling, camping, and the like, you can bet we'll cover it. Hop in and enjoy the ride!
November 2023