![]() When roadschooling (homeschooling on the road, if you haven't heard), it's important to find a curriculum that is highly portable, lightweight, but still packed with all the important learning tools and information your child needs for a solid education. Here's why we think time4learning.com fits the bill. No Need To Carry Heavy Books Whether roadschooling in a rolling home (aka RV) or via the family vehicle, you probably want to save the space for gear. Who wants to lug learning material while hiking in the Rocky Mountains or kayaking the rapids? Not us, that's for sure! We often do some pretty rough terrain hikes and intense climbing and other adventuring. We need more room for food, water, and supplies and don;t really have a place for heavy books. Time4Learning allows us this luxury. Ditch the heavy books for a learning method you can fit in your pocket, if necessary. It Fits In Your Pocket! We love that our kids can do Time4Learning's homeschool curriculum via their phones or tablets, if need be. This really comes in handy when we're using nature or another road-trip-worthy excursion in conjunction with lessons. This way, if the day's lessons involve railroad history, we can easily pull it out on a trip to railroad or museum. Then, it can all be done at the same time, for a more memorable lesson. In the photo above, our son was learning about the first continuous land link by railroad across the U.S. How many books do you see in hand? Why? His cell phone was in his pocket so that he could easily access his lessons, if need be. Learn Anytime - Literally We all know that kids have that magic time when they learn the best. When you use Time4Learning during roadschooling homeschool field trips, you can either put the lessons or the adventure first. Your child can log on whenever they want - even 3 a.m, if you approve! This allows children to be more relaxed and focused when they log on. A focused child is more likely to learn than one who is forced to learn before ready. What If Your Child Hates Learning? If your child is like one of ours, gaming is everything and learning is boring. Well, at least that was before roadschooling with Time4Learning, anyway. Because the lessons are very interactive, it's like getting a gaming experience, allowing children to actually enjoy the lessons. The added adventures with the roadschooling lifestyle hardly make it seem like school at all. What About an Internet Connection On The Road? Yes, we know that many RVers face this often. However, getting internet access for using Time4Learning on the road isn't as hard as you think. We use a cell phone plan that includes unlimited data for the kids who use Time4Learning. Then, the rest of the phones have the highest data plan that includes WiFi hotspot. This means that if the kids want to do their learning on the computer or tablet, instead of the phone, they can still access their lessons using the WiFi hotspot. If the cell phone solution isn't an affordable option for your family, most cities and towns have libraries. We've never had problems finding one somewhere on the way there or back, if not in the place we're traveling to. Does My Child Actually Learn With Time4Learning? In our experience, most definitely. We have actually tried other forms of online homeschooling and this is the only one that all of the kids liked, regardless of whether it was used in lower or upper grades. It's also the one they've learned the most using. We think this is because of the built-in entertainment factor. When kids enjoy themselves, they pay more attention, thus making it so the lessons actually stick. *Note: The author was compensated for this review. However, the review is 100% honest, based on her own experiences and is in no way influenced by the compensation. Need an honest review? Please Contact Us with info. We only do reviews for products and services that our family actually uses.
Living in an RV can actually be a great lifestyle for babies. Wait, what? Here are 5 reasons RV living is awesome for babies!
Teach Your Baby Important Social Skills Faster Because living the RV life calls for exploring new places, this also means new people. Social skills are very important for a developing infant. This means it helps establish an outgoing personality early on. You Don't Have to Leave Your House For a Soothing Drive Cranky baby who wants a ride? No worries. Your little one can have all the comforts of home because you don't even have to leave home to go on a soothing ride. Gotta love the RV life when you have a baby! Everything You Need is Within Easy Reach The bigger your place is, the easier it is to lose track of what your baby has and where it might be. It's not as much of a problem in an RV because everything has its place, since space is so limited. Plus, even if you do put something out of place, there aren't very many places it could be. Create a Love of Nature Early On The RV life generally comes with a lot of nature. This is important for babies (and their parents, too). By helping to create a love of nature early on, you are helping your baby form a deeper connection with the world around them. It's Easier to Offer Stability I always think it's funny when people wonder if RV living is stable. Babies like familiarity. So, what better way to have adventures than in something familiar? When the place they know most (your RV) is also the same place you take adventures in, you're never away from home. This offers stability and is actually a simpler way to do so than traditional living. When RV’ing with babies, it’s important to choose gear that is versatile, safe, convenient, and functional. Knowing which cribs work best on the road is important. Here’s why we chose the Graco Travel Lite Crib as the best playard or crib for parents traveling or living in a travel trailer or motorhome.
Our Criterion For a Good RV-Friendly Crib When we decided to try out the Graco Travel Lite Crib, we were already familiar with the Graco brand and had a larger Graco travel playard model. While that model does fit in our RV, we wanted something even smaller and less bulky (while the baby is still small) without losing the convenient features. Must Be:
Why Graco Travel Lite Crib Fits the RV Lifestyle Best We didn’t have to hunt much for our Graco Travel Lite Crib, as it showed up at a thrift store just as we decided we needed a smaller bassinet or playard. But they’re actually easy to find. That’s not why we chose it as the best one, however. Why Graco Travel Lite Crib is the Best Playard or Crib For RV’ers:
How Does Our Baby Like the Graco Travel Lite Crib? Of all the various nap and sleep solutions we’ve used, Nova Skye (our baby) has enjoyed the Graco Travel Lite Crib the most. We think it’s the cozy compact design coupled with the extra comfy mattress. She also enjoys the little toys hanging from the mobile on the sunshade. As she grows, she might fit better in the other (bigger) one we have. But for now, we use that one when in bigger spaces or for various other purposes. May as well, since we have it and she enjoys that one, too. |
NewsletterSignup for news and special offers! Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list. We are a homeschooling family, sometimes roadschooling in an RV. We enjoy spreading the word about how to #RV successfully! We've traveled across the country in a '77 Minnie Winnie decorated Denver Broncos style and dubbed the BroncoBago. We've also had other rigs as well. Follow along as Lyn Lomasi and family share adventures, tips, how-to guides on the RV Life in a #Winnebago, and more! If it's about RVs, homeschooling, roadschooling, camping, and the like, you can bet we'll cover it. Hop in and enjoy the ride!
November 2023
*Disclaimer: Any information provided about crystals, spiritual practices, and healing is intended for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Individual results may vary. Please practice caution and informed decision-making in your personal journey. The author is a trained Shamanic Alchemist and experienced holistic researcher. Our content, products, or services are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning or changing any medical treatments or health-related practices.
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