Cottonballs are most often used for makeup removal, facial cleansing, and in removing nail polish, but did you ever think of all the other possible uses there may be? Here are ten excellent uses for cottonballs you may have never thought about.
Use cottonballs as stuffing -- Cottonballs make great stuffing for craft pillows and other stuffed crafts. They are all cotton, so they are washable. Just be sure to use plenty when stuffing and to dry the item well if you ever have to wash it. Hard-to-reach sink cracks are no trouble for cottonballs -- Have you ever tried to get underneath, behind, and between your faucets when washing the sinks? Now you can. Use a cottonball. It flattens easily and can slide where your cloth or sponge cannot. Quick bandages are a snap with cottonballs -- Have you ever needed a bandage when you were out of them or on the run? If you keep cottonballs and medical tape around the house, you can make a quick band-aid that works well on any sized cut. Try keeping a small baggie with cottonballs and medical tape in your purse. You never know when you may think of something else to use them for as well. Need a quick can cover? Try a cottonball -- Have you ever opened a can of pop, only to realize you couldn't finish it? Just stick a cottonball in the hole at the top and put in the refridgerator. It won't go flat as quick it would without the cottonball. The cottonball absorbs the air. Just don't push too hard or you'll have a cottonball in your drink. Then, it won't be fresh at all. Cottonballs keep the tears away -- Have you ever had to deal with a child who is afraid of the water getting in their eyes when shampooing their hair? Chances are you have. If your child is old enough, give the child a cottonball for each eye. Have the child close the eyes and hold a cottonball over each eye whenever you wash the hair. It helps keep the water out. Keep in mind that if you dump a large amount of water over the child's head, the cottonballs will not protect the eyes. You must also be cautious, as always. Use a cottonball, not your fingers -- Are you not particularly fond of having diaper rash cream lingering on your hand or finger? Have no fear, cottonballs are here. Just use the cottonball to spread the cream onto the affected area. Use a cottonball to swipe your data of fingerprints -- Do your DVDs and other CDs have your children's evidence stamped on them in the form of tiny fingerprints? Just dip a cottonball into some rubbing alcohol and wipe away the evidence. Cottonballs make great pencil holder protectors -- Are you a perfectionist who can't stand the little pencil and pen marks at the bottom of the pencil holder? Just place some cottonballs in the bottom of the pencil holder and voila! This also takes away the annoying clinking noise the utensils make when you put them in the holder, also a must for perfectionists. Make a Santa beard from cottonballs -- Does your child need a Santa beard and fast? Just glue some cottonballs together in a triangular shape with white glue (not school glue, just plain white all-purpose glue). You can attach it to your child's face using pipe cleaners. Just attach the pipe cleaners to the cottonball concoction by twisting them around the tips of each side and then bring the pipe cleaners around your child's ears like glasses. Prevent scratches on your computer desk with cottonballs -- Does your computer keyboard, laptop, or monitor make scratches on your nice desk? Just glue cottonballs to the bottom corners or all along the entire bottom edge with E-6000 glue. Content Manifested by Brand Shamans. |
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January 2024
*Disclaimer: Any information provided about crystals, spiritual practices, and healing is intended for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Individual results may vary. Please practice caution and informed decision-making in your personal journey. The author is a trained Shamanic Alchemist and experienced holistic researcher. Our content, products, or services are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning or changing any medical treatments or health-related practices.
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