You're trying to relax in your zen garden when you start seeing dots. Wait, those aren't dots at all. Those are aphids and they are coming from the precious plants you have been giving love and care to. This is supposed to be your relaxation zone. Not to mention how your plants might be feeling about this unwelcome invasion. So, how do you get rid of these pesky aphids without dousing the poor plants with harmful chemicals? Below are 10 eco-friendly ways to rid, reduce, and prevent aphids, also called plant lice.
Neem Oil as a Natural Aphid Pesticide - Pure neem oil, an oil derived from the neem tree, has long been used in many natural remedies, including pest control. The oil, or Azadirachtin, acts as a repellent and growth regulator. To the insects, the neem oil has a bitter taste, so they will not eat the leaves treated with it. Also, if the insects do come in contact with the Azadirachtin, it prevents the larvae from growing into adults. Neem oil can be purchased at various online stores or made from neem trees. Homemade Lemon Spray to Get Rid of Aphids Naturally - This natural aphid pesticide works as an instant remedy, killing the aphids on contact. To make this natural pesticide, grate the rind of a large lemon. Boil it in enough water to fill a garden spray bottle. Let the mixture sit overnight. Drain the liquid into the garden spray bottle. Spray the aphids and larvae directly. It will cause them to convulse. Using Homemade Vinegar Spray as Defense Against Aphids & Larvae - Get out a spray bottle and fill it 1/3 of the way with distilled white vinegar and the rest of the way with water. This will kill the aphids and larvae on contact. Some plants react badly to the vinegar. It's important know which plants you can and cannot use this method with. Aluminum Foil is One of the Unexpected Natural Aphid Pesticides - Place a square of aluminum foil around the base of plants affected by aphids. This causes light to bounce around to the underside of the leaves, which repels the aphids. It is also good for the plants, as it brings them more natural sunlight. Calcium Powder is a Good Aphid Repellent - Sprinkling calcium powder around the base of the plants is another natural aphid repellent. The aphids do not like the calcium and will generally stay away from it. How to Use a Yellow Plastic Bowl to Trick Aphids - Aphids are naturally attracted to the color yellow. Place a yellow plastic bowl filled about 1/3 of the way with water in the center of the infested area. Many of the aphids will be drawn to the bowl and will go into the water and die. Banana Peels Repel Aphids Easily - Burying shredded banana peels around the base of plants is an odd, but effective remedy. It has been around for ages and many gardeners will swear by it. Smash Aphid Buddies as a Warning. It works! - Squashing a few aphids near the infested area will signify to the other aphids that it is time to go. It's a chemical reaction. Ladybugs Are an Aphid’s Enemy - Ladybugs can be purchased at garden and home improvement centers. The ladybugs feed on the aphids and if you purchase enough, the aphids will be gone in no time. Ladybugs are also good for the garden in other ways. Garlic or Onions Are an Aphid Deterrent - Planting garlic or onions is another natural aphid deterrent. They do not like garlic or onion and will not likely come near an area they are in. *I originally published this via Yahoo Contributor Network
There's nothing worse than seeing an earwig, pincher and all, in your home or garden. OK, so maybe there are worse things. But it's downright creepy and frustrating. Plus, if you're like me, chemical repellents are out of the question. Luckily, there are a few natural earwig repellents. Since earwigs do not make nests inside homes, they can be eliminated from the home fairly quickly. It may take a little more consistency in the garden, but they can be repelled from there as well. Get out your cooking oil. No, you aren't going to fry the earwigs for dinner. Fill a small square container to the halfway mark with vegetable oil. Place it where you have noticed the earwigs most. Each morning, you can scoop out and discard any earwigs with a spoon and reuse the oil. The earwigs are attracted to the oil and to the shape of the container. But once they climb in, they get stuck in the oil and can't get back out. This natural earwig repellent can be used both indoors and out. Wow, a use for that newspaper has arrived. In the age of the internet, many people are neglecting their newspaper. Now you can use it as a natural earwig repellent. This method works best for controlling earwigs inside the home. Take a couple pages of newspaper and roll them up loosely into a rod shape. Now spray the newspaper roll with a light mist of water -- enough to make it damp. Place the dampened newspaper roll in the area where you are seeing earwigs. Leave it there for several hours or overnight. Once it has attracted some earwigs, discard the newspaper into a sealed trash bag and take it out immediately. Repeat as necessary. Get some diatomaceous earth. This substance can usually be found at local garden centers and plant nurseries. Sprinkle it in areas where the earwigs are found, either indoors or out. This substance will kill the earwigs by drying them out. It depletes their exoskeleton of the essential moisture, causing them to get dehydrated. I personally tend to leave this particular method as the last choice to opt for the more humane options first. This natural earwig repellent is highly effective and best used when there are more than a couple earwigs to deal with. Repel earwigs by taking away their comfort zones. Did you know that earwigs like moist areas? Keep the indoors and outdoors dry to discourage them from coming around. You'll of course need to water the lawn and garden. But a good drainage system can prevent excess moisture from building up and attracting the earwigs. Also, try to avoid using wet or organic mulches. Use gravel or stones instead. If your kids like to run in the sprinkler, rotate its position often, so as not to saturate one area of the yard. The plus side to the rotation is that your lawn will get evenly watered while the kids play in the sprinkler. *I originally published this via Yahoo Contributor Network LAST UPDATED 2/24/2022
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